The Pets Time

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries ?

If you’re looking for delicious and nutritious treats for your pet the strawberry aren’t the first thing you think of. But, these tasty treats are actually just equally delicious for canines like they do for humans!

We are a dog-friendly bakery and we are often repeatedly asked “can dogs eat strawberries” We always answer yes. The trick is working out the best way to get your pet to eat a fruit. Continue reading:

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Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Yes! Can dogs eat strawberries! It is recommended that you consult your vet to ensure that your pet’s stomach is prepared to take on the delicious treats, however most dogs are capable taking in strawberries.

Do Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Again, the answer will be Yes! Naturally, dogs require an adequate diet. Dogs cannot just survive on berries, but some studies have shown the benefits of the berries (and some other fruits, including blueberries) are beneficial to dogs.

A Potent Antioxidant and A Source of Vitamin C

While research on doggy nutrition are in initial stages, there’s substantial amount of evidence that they gain the benefit of the antioxidants in the berries. For instance one study of researchers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks found that feeding dogs with sleds blueberries while exercising increased the levels of antioxidants. In turn, they were better equipped to fight off the adverse effects of oxidative damages.

The results mirror human trials which have shown that berries, such as strawberries, may help lower the risk of joint injury as well as heart disease and memory loss. Vitamin C provides many of the same advantages.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The other major ingredient in strawberry is the omega-3. This nutritional element is crucial to ensure your dog’s coat is healthy. When you feed your dog enough omega-3, your dog will have beautiful glossy, lush coats.

The investigation that was published in Veterinary Research Communicationsalso discovered omega-3 fatty acids can affect dog behavior as well and aggression in dogs. possess lower amounts of omega-3.

Additionally an study in The Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutritionfound that eating a diet high of omega-3 fats could aid in reducing and easing the arthritis symptoms in older dogs.

How do you feed Your Dogs Strawberries

If you’d like to offer your dog some strawberries start with a small amount. This lets you swiftly stop if your pet shows signs of abnormal behavior.

Don’t feed too many strawberries in a row, since these snacks are packed with sugar. Also, never feed canned or processed strawberries to dogs. In general the event that an berry of any kind is suspended in syrup it shouldn’t be fed the dog.

The most challenging thing is how to convince your dog to take a bite of strawberry. Some dogs love eating strawberries. Some do not. My dogs won’t consume strawberries unless I medicate them.

Kids and dogs alike can sometimes require food prepared in a special way!

Common Health Problems

The most common issues that dogs face after eating a strawberry is digestive distress, and for those who eat a lot the possibility of eating too much. If you’re not sure the amount your dog can take, start by eating a little and gradually increase the amount.

Although it’s not believed to be a common occurrence, some dogs might be prone to reactions to the strawberry. If you are the first to provide your dog with strawberries, ensure you keep an watch over the fruit. If they experience hives or experience difficulty breathing or swallowing it is an indication that they are experiencing an allergic reaction which is an emergency situation for your pet.

It is obvious, if your dog exhibits signs of stress or discomfort following a meal of strawberries, you should stop feeding the fruit!

the Simple Method

The most efficient way to feed your pet strawberries is by washing the strawberries and then cutting them into pieces and removing the stem and the leaf. The strawberries can be cut into smaller pieces to minimize the chance of choking.

For dogs that are small such as Luna or the Shih Tzu, you may be able to blend or purée the fruit. It is possible to even smash the fruits together!

Premade Sweets

If you’re running out of time or don’t have the space to put up a kitchen for your dog There are numerous ways to serve strawberries. There are plenty of ready-to-eat treats that have strawberries within.

The Verdict: Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?




Dogs benefit from the antioxidants found in berries High in natural sugar.
Strawberries can help reduce the risk of joint damage, arthritis, heart disease, and memory loss. While it isn’t known to be common, some dogs may have an allergic reaction to strawberries.
Strawberries contain omega-3 which is essential for your dog’s coat health Many dogs don’t like strawberries in their natural form so you’ll have to doctor them up, which can be time consuming.
Omega-3 fatty acids found in strawberries may also help calm aggressive dogs.
Lots of strawberry dog treat recipes are available online so you won’t have to look far.
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✔️ Dogs CAN Eat Strawberries= Can Dogs Eat Strawberries

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